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Part I Crime Rate Drops 9.35 Percent in the City Of Palmdale in 2018

2018 Crime Rate Finishes at a Decades Low 192

PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale and Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) Palmdale have announced a 9.35 percent decrease in the number of Part I crimes reported for all of 2018 resulting in a crime rate of 192 crimes per 10,000 population for the year. It marks the lowest crime rate in Palmdale in nearly a quarter of a century.

After the crime rate reached 467.71 in 1996, the City set a goal to push the crime rate below 300 by 2009, which proved to be successful. The goal was reset to drive the rate below 200, which was accomplished in 2018.

When compared to the overall numbers of 2017, crime fell in most categories. Violent crimes against persons (homicide, rape and assault) were down 6.91 percent. Property crimes were down overall by 9.74 percent, with burglary was down 16.31 percent, robbery down 26.15 percent. Arson dropped 31.03 percent. Thefts were down overall 11.48 percent, with the exception of auto thefts, which were up 15.63 percent and grand theft up 9.66 percent.

There were a total of 3,054 Part 1 crimes in 2018, down from 3,369 in 2017.

"The continued efforts of our community policing, which combine the skills, talents and contributions of our deputies, City staff, and community members working together are making our community safer,” said Palmdale Sheriff's Station Acting Captain Ron Shaffer. “We continue to receive and appreciate the support of our local elected officials.”

“Breaking the 200 barrier is great news,” said Mayor Steve Hofbauer. “The partnership with our law enforcement, City staff and our residents working together continues to make our community safer for everyone. We constantly strive for more ways to continue this downward trend.”

"Our City Council continues to make public safety their top priority,” said Palmdale City Manager Jim Purtee. “It’s reflected in our annual budget and a myriad of community partnerships. We’re seeing the fruits of our efforts and programs through measureable results in the field. We have a lot more work to do, but we are working hard to make sure our residents and business owners feel and know they are living and working in a safe community.”

Partnership with the community has had a positive impact on bringing crime down. “Our Neighborhood Watch program has brought neighbors, City staff and law enforcement together to help keep crime out of our neighborhoods,” said Palmdale Public Safety Supervisor Kery German. “There have been many instances where observant neighbors have helped solve or prevent crimes through ‘seeing something and saying something.’”

In addition, the City’s Crime Free Multi-Family program, which focuses on apartments and multi-family dwellings, added several new properties, with a common goal to keep them safe and viable for residents. “This partnership program has really seen our property managers step up with the information they receive from various presentations, safety videos and support from our Palmdale Sheriff deputies,” said Palmdale’s Crime Prevention Specialist Monica Luna.

“Law enforcement cannot do this alone and it is that true partnership with our residents that have made this decrease in crime possible,” said Palmdale’s Director of Neighborhood Services Mike Miller. “Code Enforcement and the Neighborhood Compliance Officers have been diligent in patrolling the community and also to responding to reports of code violations and have taken on a huge role with regard to taking corrective action when seeing an issue.”

“All in all, huge thank you goes to our dedicated deputies, our community members and our community partners who continue to come together as a team and work hard for our community,” Miller stated.

For more information about the City of Palmdale’s neighborhood services department, call 661/267-5181.

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