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AV Daily News
Antelope Valley

Mayor R. Rex Parris Welcomes President Trump to Southern California
City of Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris had the honor of welcoming President Donald J. Trump to California on the tarmac at Los Angeles...

Governor Newsom Announces Release of Nation’s First Statewide Earthquake Early Warning System
OAKLAND — On the 30th anniversary of the deadly Loma Prieta earthquake, Governor Gavin Newsom today announced the launch of the nation’s...

The CHP received a $1.5 million grant for the Regulate Aggressive Driving and Reduce Speed
SACRAMENTO – Speed and aggressive driving continue to be a major cause of death and injury on California roadways. With federal funding,...

Governor Newsom Signs Bills to Increase Financial Aid.
SACRAMENTO – Building on the state’s historic investment in two years of free community college and substantial state budget investments...

FDA Warns Public to Stop Using Any Vaping Products Obtained Off the Streets.
FDA strengthens warning to public to stop using THC-containing vaping products and any vaping products obtained off the street. Audience:...

Work at Home Scam
The costs of working from the comfort of your own home may be higher than you know. In the Work-at-Home Scam, fraudsters advertise jobs,...

City of Lancaster’s first 4G, 5G Tower.
Watch the City of Lancaster’s 4G, 5G, & Wi-fi grow! Over the last several months, the City has conducted surveys to determine the most...

Drivers encouraged to be alert and aware of wildlife on California roads.
As the weather begins to change in the high country, the deer population is moving to their summer range or winter range depending on the...

AV Hospital implementing visitor restrictions during flu season
Hospitals across the country are making efforts to help reduce the spread of the flu virus. Effective Oct. 1, Antelope Valley Hospital...

Palmdale Parents Charged with Death of 4 Year Old Son.
Murder charges were filed today against the parents of a 4-year-old boy who died this summer in Palmdale, the Los Angeles County District...
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