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Coffee with a Deputy 2019! Join us on Thursday, January 10th, 2019 from 8am-10am at Crazy Otto's

Join us for our first Coffee with a Deputy of 2019! We are so excited to ring in the new year with you! Stop by Crazy Otto's on Avenue I on Thursday, January 10th, 2019 from 8am-10am and join us as we share new information with you, including the new Shake Alert LA app and earthquake safety tips!

There are a few new laws for 2019 in California as well and as always, we will have deputies on hand to answer any questions you may have. We hope to see you there!

Lancaster Sheriff’s Station polices the City of Lancaster, Antelope Valley College in Lancaster, and the unincorporated communities of Antelope Acres, Lake Los Angeles, and Quartz Hill in the Antelope Valley. Ali Villalobos Lancaster Sheriff’s Station Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department 501 W Lancaster Boulevard Lancaster, CA 93534 Station (661) 948-8466 Desk (661) 524-2154 Website: LASD Text & Email Register at : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @lanlasd Facebook:

Address/Location LASD - Lancaster Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff 501 W Lancaster Blvd Lancaster, CA 93534

Contact Emergency: 9-1-1 Non-emergencies: 661-948-8466

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