Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station enforces the law on illegal food vendors.The Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station tackles down on illegal food vendors. After receiving many complaints from local residents...
“Operation Safe Shop” is an added layer of Protection to Shoppers and Businesses from LASDSanta Clarita Sheriff’s detectives ‘shop for crooks’ in retail theft operation Thursday in effort to deter and prevent crimes,...
Acton Resident Suzette Martinez Valladares Announces 2020 Congressional Campaign Against CongresswomSuzette Martinez Valladares announced that she is running in California’s 25th Congressional District in the March 3, 2020 primary....
Mayor Marsha McLean and other City Council members joined to thank the entire station including depuSanta Clarita, City Council held a conference to thank #LASD Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station for the lowest on record crime rates...