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Walk for Life Community Event.

Lancaster.-On Saturday, March 18th 2023 in Lancaster, California approximately 500 individuals gathered to Walk for Life.

The event was sponsored by Care Net Women’s Resource Center of North County, with Grace Chapel graciously opening up their campus for the rally and starting point of the Walk.

Attendees heard from Grace Chapel’s Senior Pastor Chris Johnson who shared a short exhortation regarding what it means to Biblically oppose policies that reject the value of life. He went on to convey that we can oppose those policies without making those who hold opposing views our opponents. Instead, our opposition can be extended in love, grace, and truth and it is because of God’s love, grace, and truth that we do oppose those policies.

Assemblyman Lackey (AD34) went on to lead the walkers in the Pledge of Allegiance after sharing how encouraging this Walk, particularly in light of how much opposition he faces in Sacramento. The importance of this issue being deeply personal and emotional for him, as he shared that it was because two young women facing unplanned pregnancies chose life that he was a father, today.

Next, Mark Maldonado, president of the Antelope Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce came to present Care Net Women’s Resource Center with a certificate of appreciation for their work in protecting life. Mark stressed the importance of community, including a business community, that puts God first, and that includes God’s value for life.

Before introducing Samuel Green from Reason for Life, Care Net Board President Darrell Downs shared about why he joined the Board and why this work was important to him. Pastor Downs explained that abortion was the number one killer of African-Americans – more than guns, crime, or anything else it was the countless lives lost to abortion – about which no one talks. He wanted to see that become a part of the cultural and community conversation.

Then, Samuel Green shared about what had happened since last year’s Walk for Life. In 2022, when there was about half the number of attendees from this year, Roe vs. Wade had yet to be overturned. However, in June of last year, what so many thought to be unthinkable, actually happened and the Supreme Court struck down Roe vs. Wade. The issue of abortion returned to the states and in 14 states there are strong protections for the unborn. In others such as Arizona and Florida there are decisions coming which could afford greater protections, and in Texas a case is being heard that challenges FDA approval of the chemical abortion pill.

Of course, California still remains a challenging state for seeing laws that protect life, particularly as the proabortion legislators put forth a package of 17 bills to expand abortion access in the state. Yet. just as the overturning of Roe was thought by some to be impossible, we know that with God all things are possible.

As walkers were encouraged to pray for the California miracle, they were also reminded that there was still work that they could do. Karen Roseberry, the Executive Director for Care Net Women’s Resource Center shared that as a part of that terrible package of abortion bills, there was also AB 315 which specifically targets pregnancy centers for lawsuits. She implored the attendees to take a card to send a letter to legislators to express their opposition. Then, the walkers took to the sidewalks to be walking voices for the youngest, smallest human beings in the earliest stages of development, in greatest need of protection.

Courtesy of : Karen Roseberry, Executive Director Care Net Women's Resource Center

(661) 729-4277


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