Strength Based Community Change (SBCC) selected Program Administrator SBCC Strategy explained
Wilmington – SBCC’s Ely Samuel Fournier who is the Department Director of Economic Vitality provided a complete, concise answer to the question, “What are SBCC’s plans and strategies to facilitate this program for Los Angeles County residents?”
SBCC has been leading the way in many areas of community service and professional assistance for residents who need help navigating public programs throughout the County. Voting, child abuse, food, immigration rights, early childhood education, community relationships outreach and rental assistance are a few. SBCC has trained facilitators ready to help applicants in this pilot program. While it appears to be overwhelmingly complicated, it will be a much easier because there are knowledgeable SBCC staff members there to walk you through the steps to a successful completion.
Here is Mr. Fournier’s itemized program overview:
What is Breathe - LA County’s Guaranteed Income Program?
Breathe is a guaranteed income project that will provide 1,000 eligible Los Angeles County residents with $1,000 per month for three years. While, the benefits of guaranteed income programs have been documented, this is an independent research project that will be used to study the effects of this type of program so that the County and other jurisdictions can learn about the project’s impact on the economic stability of participants, as well as its impact on participants’ overall health and well-being.
Guaranteed income is a monthly cash payment given directly to individuals. It is unconditional, with no strings attached on how to spend it and no work requirements. It is meant to supplement, not replace, the existing social safety net.
Who is eligible to apply?
• To be eligible for this project, you must meet all of the following requirements:
• Be 18 years of age or older
• Live in a Los Angeles County neighborhood that falls at or below 100% of the County’s Area Median Income (AMI)
• Have a household income that falls at or below 100% of the County’s AMI, for a single person household (see Income Eligibility Table below)
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• Have a household income that falls at or below 120% of the County’s AMI, for households with two or more persons (see Income Eligibility Table below)
• Have been negatively financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
• Not be currently enrolled in another Guaranteed Income project offered by the County, a city, or other public or private entity
Note: Only one person will be eligible to participate in the project per household.
SBCC`s Overview Strategy:
Strength Based Community Change (SBCC) has been selected as the Program Administrator for Breathe - LA County’s Guaranteed Income Program. SBCC’s responsibilities include community outreach and engagement, enrollment into the lottery for the opportunity to participate, on--boarding of the 1,000 residents selected and ongoing support and problem solving for those 1,000 residents over the course of the 3 years of the initiative. SBCC’s approach to community outreach, engagement, and enrollment is to organize a collaboration of grassroots community-based agencies to partner with SBCC to disseminate the information about the Guaranteed Income Initiative. SBCC’s experience in community engagement has confirmed that residents receive and believe information when the information is being communicated by a trusted neighborhood partner, a partner they have experience with and find credible. SBCC has 75 community partners throughout LA County who have agreed to become part of the Initiative and reach out to community residents to communicate the opportunity presented by Breathe- LA County’s Guaranteed Income Program. In addition, because the enrollment process is quite labor intensive and some questions may be sensitive, through SBCC`s partnership with community agencies has created network of 48 countywide enrollment centers (and counting). These agencies have agreed to open their facility to residents who can come to their location and fill out the enrollment surveys with help from staff and access to the equipment they need to engage in the enrollment process. Enrollment is only available, online at the Breathe- LA County’s Guaranteed Income Program website. Residents can use a computer or a smart phone to apply. Enrollment Centers will also assist residents who call in for help with the enrollment process.
In addition, the 48 Enrollment Centers will make their facilities available to residents for the on-boarding process once the 1,000 residents have been selected by a random selection process conducted by the University of Pennsylvania who is the research partner for this program. SBCC staff will conduct the on-boarding process and provide benefits counseling to all participants who are receiving any county, state or federal benefits. SBCC staff will also be personally delivering the debit cards to residents. These cards will be uploaded monthly with the $1,000 each participant will receive.
In addition, over the three-year period of the program SBCC staff will be available to support the 1,000 participants with in-person one on ones to address any challenges or difficulties participants may confront. SBCC has a practice of providing economic sustainability opportunities to all the members of the SBCC countywide network of residents and partners. This opportunity will be available to the 1,000 residents in Breathe-LA County’s Guaranteed Income Program by accessing SBCC’s Economic Opportunities section of the SBCC website. This website is available to anyone seeking information on countywide resources. In addition, SBCC staff will be available to meet in person with the 1,000 participants to explore additional economic opportunities.
In-person enrollment center in the Lake Los Angeles:
Early Steps for School Success
41625 – 170th Street East
The Application window opens March 31
Appointments being taken Monday-Friday 8am to 2:15pm. Please call (661) 264-1111 to set up an appointment; the first appointments will be the first day of the application March 31.
Additional information will be provided prior to March 31.
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By Shirley Harriman