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Reading Machine goes to VSG Elementary School

Lake Los Angeles – Vista San Gabriel School – The Los Angeles County Library Reading Machine that comes to Save the Children regularly came to VSG on Wednesday May 11 to read to the program’s children and also to read to Mrs. Brown’s Special Education class as well.

The gathering took place outside near the outdoor stage in the sunny but cool day. The program starting with singing, “You are my Sunshine” in both English and in Spanish.

Then the rousing song “If you’re happy” started with the If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap), If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp), If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!). If you're happy and you know it, do all three. (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!). Every audience during this song enjoys it and it can get loud.

The next step was to read the book called, My School which takes a child to school for the first time by getting on the school bus, classroom expectations, going home on the school bus and finishing with “I Love School!”.

The lesson on voices was next with whisper, quiet, normal, loud and yell and when they are used properly. The inside voice and the outside voice were discussed.

Then everyone sang a favorite “The wheels of the bus go round and round” followed by reading another book titled Lola starts to school, then more singing with “Mary had a little lamb”, “The itsy bitsy spider”, “Let’s go swimming in the ocean”. A color lesson followed when each child was given a colored paper fish. Then each fish was returned to the glass of the same color. Closing was the song fish song ending in gulp ... burp and the ABC song.

All this activity takes 30 minutes with each child glued to the action. Many subtle lessons occur while they are having fun.

For more information on the programs and meeting dates and times please contact Mrs. Maria Olegine at 661-264-1111 or via her email which is

By Shirley Harriman


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