Nearly $400,000 in Grants for Antelope Valley Children and Families.

LOS ANGELES COUNTY —Supervisor Kathryn Barger approved approximately $250,000 in funding to the Antelope Valley Domestic Violence Council and $130,000 to the Antelope Valley Boys and Girls Club to support programs and services for Antelope Valley children and families.
“It is a privilege to be able to effectively allocate these much-needed resources to deserving communities,” said Supervisor Kathryn Barger. “As a representative for the North County, I know this is an incredible opportunity to provide government funding to local organizations that will have an immensely positive impact on the children and families they serve.”
The allocation for the Antelope Valley Domestic Violence Council, which is known as Valley Oasis, will help support more than 100 victims of domestic violence and their children. The grant will fund a 24-hour emergency shelter, and provide various services such as domestic violence education; job skills training; life skills training; peer counseling; group and individual therapy; specialized services for children; transportation; and assistance with court issues, among others.
"Valley Oasis is grateful for receiving CSBG funding that will assist us in expanding existing services to domestic violence victims and their children who were severely impacted by COVID-19,” said Valley Oasis CEO Carol Crabson. “This funding provides us with the opportunity to bring some normalcy back into the lives of these families through supportive interactive services, creating a safe and stable environment and, most importantly, put some joy and fun back into their daily lives."
The funding for the Antelope Valley Boys and Girls Club will serve more than 200 children and youth through afterschool programs and services for low income minority children and foster youth. Activities will include homework assistance; health and mental wellness programs; character and leadership development; and planning and decision-making skills development.
"In these difficult times, it is critical that kids and teens have a safe space to learn and grow and to navigate through challenges they may be facing,” said Antelope Valley Boys & Girls Club Executive Director Stacey Cantwell. “We are so thankful to Supervisor Kathryn Barger and LA County. This support will help us continue to provide high quality programming to youth, especially those that need us most."
The funds will be provided through the Los Angeles County Community Services Block Grant CARES (distributed via the Department of Public Social Services), which supports programs in communities. Community Services Block Grants originated more than 50 years ago as part of the War on Poverty under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. On March 27, 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which includes $1 billion in supplemental Community Services Block Grants funds for States to prevent, prepare for, or respond to COVID-19. This included additional funding for agencies who are local recipients of Community Services Block Grants.