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Free Disposal Day at LLA Road Yard Scheduled

Lake Los Angeles – Saturday, August 3, starting at 9:00am, there will be a Free Disposal Day for unincorporated County residents at Road Yard #555 on East Avenue J at 173rd Street East.

There will be an announcement coming from Supervisor Barger’s Antelope Valley office that will explain acceptable items and unacceptable items that you can or cannot bring to this disposal event. Expect some changes after the previous test pilots have been analyzed and best use is determined.

Proof of residency will be required. Be sure to have your driver’s license with you. The event will close as soon as the bins are filled.

Saturday, October 5, the second bi-monthly Disposal Day is scheduled at the Lancaster Landfill. There will be fliers posted closer to that date.

The Lake Los Angeles event and previous events in Littlerock and Quartz Hill are part of a pilot program sponsored by the Antelope Valley Illegal Dumping Task Force and Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger. Her office is trying out the concept to see how it works and how much it costs – because the county must pay to dispose of all the material that is brought in,” explained Charles Bostwick, Sr. Field Deputy for Supervisor Barger.

By Shirley Harriman


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