Eradication enforcement going on in the Antelope Valley

Lake Los Angeles – Preparations for an eradication of illegal marijuana grows one year later after the June 2021 operation was resented to the press and communities at a press conference held by Sheriff Alex Villanueva on May 17, 2022.

In residence at the road yard in LLA are LASD’s mobile communications unit and mobile command unit where everything was coordinated from this point.
Deputy Robert Boese of the Sheriff’s Information Bureau (SIB) explained this is a multi-agency operation and multi-days operation, perhaps 7 days. J is closed from 170th Street East and 190th Street East during this operation.
In June 2021 there were several other agencies from other counties, etc., participating. This operation includes Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, California National Guard Counterdrug Task Force and California Fish and Wildlife.
Deputy Boese remarked, “Hundreds of locations are involved in this illegal cultivation of marijuana. This is not just illegal grows. This is also a potential for rescuing indentured people held by the cartels against their will either by force or fear or being out in the desert miles away from any help, where they could walk for miles in the desert and the heat and still not find help. When rescued, we provide them with resources and assistance they need.”
You will see CATS with loaders, wrecking balls, blades and other heavy equipment features on the road as they are moved or driven to a takedown location to help demolish the operation. Arrests are being made and water trucks seized.
The live press conference has been posted on Facebook. Sheriff Villanueva gives statistics about June 2021 and the conditions today.
The link to go directly to the press conference: Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department | Facebook
By Shirley Harriman