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Disposal Day in The Lake August 24, 2024

Lake Los Angeles – Saturday August 24 was the last disposal day in the most recent series of yard disposal events and was held at the Lake Los Angeles Road Yard.

People were lined up before 7:30am and patiently waited their turn. There were 5 of the 50-cubic yard roll offs that were rapidly being filled to the brim. The loaders were compacting the trash to make good use of every square inch of space and take every bit of trash possible in the roll offs.

The Saturday before, the event was at the Littlerock road yard where all 5 roll offs were filed, crushed and loaded to maximum capacity. In addition, Chuck Bostwick, Field Deputy for Supervisor Barger gave 42 of the half-ton vouchers to those who did not get to dump their loads. They were OK with driving to the landfill and getting rid of what was on their trucks.

The photos show the amount of trash the loader picked up and dumped into a roll off behind a PW truck. Because of safety reasons, nobody was allowed to be close to the action and had to stay yards away with a camera.

This was a pilot program, hopefully one that would work and so far it has been overwhelmingly successful. The cost is higher than that of the voucher system, but it definitely serves the communities that are hit the hardest with illegal dumping.

Next scheduled disposal days at the road yards is Saturday September 14 at the Littlerock road yard and September 21 at the Lake Los Angeles road yard.

Thank you all for participating and making our communities cleaner.

By Shirley Harriman


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