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CalFresh came to Lake Los Angeles

Lake Los Angeles – Stephen Sorensen Community Regional Park – Miss Amanda with CalFresh brought a class on senior nutrition, senior exercise and nice gifts to take home.

At the park starting January 14th seniors 60years or older will get a taste of healthy eating by attending the CalFresh Eat Smart, Live Strong! 4-week workshop series.

Thirteen people took part in the first workshop on January 14. The class started with setting goals such as how many cups of fruits and vegetables will I eat every day and pledging to get at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical exercise each day next week. A weekly log was provided to keep track.

The class took part in walking in place, leg curls, body twist and bicep curls so they could do them at home during the week.

“How Did I Do Yesterday?” was next. We all looked at how many cups of fruits and vegetables did we have yesterday. It was quite revealing that everyone needed a little work on this topic.

The many benefits of eating right and participating in 10 minutes of physical activity was discussed.

The gifts to the seniors were a handy salad shaking bowl with a cup to shake your salad dressing be it bottled or homemade. A peeler/scrubber brush was also gifted to everyone to wash their vegetables and peel them.

Let’s delay the effects of chronic diseases, maintain healthy bones and let’s feel better!

The next class will be held at the park on Tuesday, January 21. Then on January 28 and February 4 the last two classes will be held.

Please sign up at or let Isabel at the park know you are coming.

By Shirley Harriman


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