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Barger Issues Statement on L.A. County Board’s Opposition to Camp Kenyon Scudder Closure

Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger issued the following statement today following the Board of Supervisors’ vote to oppose her motionto close Camp Kenyon Scudder.

“I am extremely surprised and disappointed with the outcome of today’s vote by the Board of Supervisors. Their failure to approve my motion to close Camp Scudder directly conflicts with the very policies they have claimed are backed by science and best practices.

My motion proposed permanent closure of an already closed juvenile camp since a recent study found it non-feasible for use due to not meeting current standards for housing youth in a homelike and therapeutic environment. It is an unnecessary cost to Los Angeles County taxpayers.

As a Board, we’ve articulated a commitment to embracing a ‘Care First, Jails Last’ approach to rehabilitate youth involved with the juvenile justice system in our County. Truly committing to that reform philosophy also means closing camps built when a different, punitive approach was in place.

Today’s vote demonstrates lack of consistency and follow through on that commitment. To make meaningful change, our Board cannot speak out of both sides of its mouth.”

The motion failed based on a 2-3 vote outcome, with Supervisors Hilda Solis, Holly Mitchell and Sheila Kuehl voting to oppose it.


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