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Antelope Valley Indian Museum Hosts Screening of the Documentary “Saging the World”

LANCASTER, Calif. – California State Park’s Antelope Valley Indian Museum State Historic Park (SHP) will screen the documentary “Saging the World” on January 27 and 28 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The documentary by Rose Ramirez (Chumash/Yaqui), Deborah Small, and the California Native Plant Society is about learning the threats to white sage habitat and on the voices of Native advocates who have long protected and cherished this plant.

“I have been working on the issue of cultural appropriation and poaching of white sage for more than four years,” said Rose Ramirez. The film addresses the ecological and cultural issues concerning white sage. You can watch the trailer here.  

White sage (Salvia apiana) grows primarily in southwestern coastal California and northern Baja California, and the Native peoples of these regions have significant reciprocal relationships with this plant. Visitors will learn how to sustainably grow white sage at home and develop their own reciprocal relationship.

Event: Screening of “Saging the World”

Time and Date: 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Jan. 27 and 28, 2024

Admission: $3 for adults. Children 12 and under are free.

Location: 15701 East Ave. M, Lancaster, California.  

Directions: From the 14 Freeway in Lancaster, go east on Avenue K to 150th Street East. Turn right and go south for two miles to Avenue M. Turn left and go east on Avenue M for 1 mile to the museum.

Annual Native American Celebration

Antelope Valley Indian Museum hosts an annual Native American Celebration in October every year. The event features Native dancers, storytellers, and artists.


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