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Antelope Valley Illegal Marijuana Grow Operation Nets 3800 plants

The proliferation of illegal Marijuana cultivation operations throughout the high desert area has become an ever-growing problem in the Antelope Valley. As a result of information received through pubic calls for service, and the office of Supervisor Barger, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputies assigned to Community Partnerships Bureau (COPS) served two search warrants in the Fort Tejon area of Palmdale targeting some of these illegal operations.

On Tuesday, May 4th, 2021, a suspect was taken into custody for the illegal cultivation of marijuana during these warrant services. Additionally, approximately 3,800 marijuana plants were seized and destroyed. Due to the fact these operations were being conducted on public lands, members of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife were also present. Their office will seek additional charges related to the destruction and contamination of local wildlife.

Illegal marijuana grows are not only illegal, but are harmful to the environment and wildlife due to the hazardous chemicals and toxic pesticides used. The illegal marijuana grows are also dangerous for residents who may stumble upon them. There could be toxic molds and fungus, faulty electrical hook ups and booby traps that can be life threatening to those who wander onto the land where these illegal marijuana grows are.

We thank those residents who contacted the LASD to provide the information which led to the apprehension of the suspect, the seizure of the illegal narcotics, and the return of these public lands to the residents of the Antelope Valley.

If you know of any illegal marijuana grow operations in your area, please contact your local law enforcement agency to report it. If you prefer to remain anonymous, you may call “L.A. Crime Stoppers” at 800-222-TIPS (8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 MOBILE APP” on Google Play or the App Store or use the website

Press Release

Photo: LASD


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