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$39.9 Million Contract Awarded to Enhance Palmdale Blvd./SR-14 Interchange

Palmdale, CA – The City of Palmdale is excited to announce the award of a $39.9 million contract to enhance Palmdale Blvd (SR-138) and the SR-14 interchange. This significant investment will beautify the main entry into Palmdale and make the interchange safer and more accessible for residents and visitors.

This project aims to improve travel and safety along the interchange’s north and southbound ramps and along Palmdale Boulevard. To achieve this, a new northbound auxiliary lane and two southbound off-ramp lanes will be constructed at Palmdale Blvd. Additionally, a City of Palmdale monument sign and a mural painting on the wall of the under-crossing will be installed.

“We are thrilled to embark on this initiative that will revolutionize traffic flow and transform the travel experience for our residents and visitors,” said Mayor Austin Bishop. “The project will not only streamline traffic flow, but also create a beautiful and welcoming entrance to the heart of our City that reflects pride in our community.”

Extensive improvements will be made between 5th Street West, Division Street, and SR-138/SR-14, including a new curb, gutter, sidewalks, ADA ramps, fencing, raised medians with irrigation and landscaping, drainage improvements, streetlights, traffic signals, signing and striping, and interchange xeriscape landscaping.

Due to the volume of work and size of the project, an outside firm will provide project management, administration of the construction contract, financial management, contract oversight services, and communications and coordination with all stakeholders.

The project will be funded using Measure R and Measure M MSP grant funds.

These transportation upgrades are part of the City’s broader vision for continued growth and prosperity. For additional information regarding the project, please visit or call Public Works at 661/ 267-5300.

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