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Marcia Mayeda Elected President of CalAnimals

Los Angeles County Director of Animal Care and Control Marcia Mayeda has been elected to serve as the president of the California Animal Welfare Association (CalAnimals).

CalAnimals is the recognized California professional organization representing animal care and control agencies throughout the State. CalAnimals provides training and education, resource and information sharing, and other services to its members and the public. CalAnimals is also active in legislative matters, advising lawmakers on proposed changes to animal-related laws especially as they relate to public safety, financial impact, animal welfare, and community service. CalAnimals hosts regional and statewide training classes and academies and is the certifying agency for Certified Animal Control Officers.

Mayeda has 35 years’ experience in the animal welfare field and has led the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control (DACC) since 2001. DACC is the largest animal care and control agency in the nation, caring for more than 60,000 animals each year. DACC serves all unincorporated Los Angeles County as well as 44 cities who contract with DACC for animal services.

“I am honored to be elected as president of CalAnimals,” said Mayeda. “CalAnimals is a leader in animal welfare, and I feel grateful for the opportunity to work with a remarkable board of directors and lead the premier resource for animal welfare agencies throughout the State.”

Mayeda’s goals for CalAnimals include clarifying and expanding the types of veterinary care that may be provided in animal shelters, transitioning learning programs to web based platforms, adding an additional animal control officer training academy, and continuing to lead and support animal welfare agencies as they restructure business practices due to COVID-19.

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