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D.A Jackie Lacey Orders Investigators to Immediately Stop Using Carotid Restraints

Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey has announced that she ordered her investigators to immediately stop using carotid restraints.

“I want the community to know their voices are being heard, loud and clear,” District Attorney Lacey said. “Their cries have led us to re-examine and improve our policing policies in a way that I hope will save lives.”

The policy change is effective immediately. The office is updating its use-of-force training materials. The District Attorney’s Bureau of Investigation is the fourth largest law enforcement agency in Los Angeles County with nearly 300 peace officers.

About the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office

Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey leads the largest local prosecutorial office in the nation. Her staff of nearly 1,000 attorneys, 300 investigators and 800 support staff members is dedicated to protecting our community through the fair and ethical pursuit of justice and the safeguarding of crime victims' rights

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