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Local Businesses Encouraged to Provide Input at City of Palmdale’s Virtual Town Hall

PALMDALE - The City of Palmdale is inviting local businesses to participate in a virtual town hall meeting hosted via Zoom on Tuesday, April 28, from 10:30 to noon to solicit their input on ideas the City wants to use to draft a proposal which will be submitted to Los Angeles County to re-open businesses timely, but responsibly.

Hosted by City Manager J.J. Murphy, the 90-minute discussion will give local businesses a platform to discuss the challenges they and their employees are facing and how they have been impacted by the COVID-19 closures.

“Our City Council and staff understand that our local business community has been severely impacted by the Federal, State, and County COVID-19 shutdown,” Murphy said. “We want to hear your concerns firsthand and especially your innovative ideas as we craft a viable path and plan towards reopening. The economic well-being of your businesses, employees, and families is of paramount importance to us.”

Registration is required and available at

Registrants will receive a survey/questionnaire before the town hall meeting. The survey results will be included in any plan submitted to Los Angeles County leadership.

Participants are encouraged to submit questions and comments ahead of time by emailing them to with “Small Business Town Hall” in the subject line.

For more information, please contact the Economic Development department at 661/267-5125 or email

For a list of available COVID-19 business resources, visit .

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