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Antelope Valley Union High School District will close all schools until May 5th, 2020.

A message from David J. Vierra, Superintendent of the Antelope Valley Union High school District

Dear AVUHSD Families,

Today, following Governor Gavin Newsom’s and LA County officials’ announcement Thursday of a new public health order for people to stay home to increase social distancing, Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools Debra Duardo announced she has extended her recommendation to close all schools in Los Angeles County with students returning on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 to limit the community spread of COVID-19.

We understand how challenging these decisions are for our families and we appreciate your support and patience. We are very grateful for all that our students, staff and parents are doing to support safety, continuity of education and feeding our children.

The following information is intended to provide you with more details and support during our extended closure.

School Closure Timeline

AVUHSD will close all schools until May 5 in response to the COVID-19 emergency. We will continue to provide updates via email, app and social media as this situation evolves.

Food Service Distribution

The Public Health guidelines provide for the continuation of our food service program. Click here for a complete list of times and locations.

Continuity of Learning

Our team has worked diligently over the past two weeks developing a plan that will allow all students to continue their learning. Our teachers are eager to share distance learning assignments for students which will be available no later than April 2. The most common platform our teachers will use is Google Classroom. All students readily have access to the Google Classroom through their Powerschool sign-on which is already familiar to many students. Further information, including options for students without access to technology/connectivity and those in need of additional supports, will be forthcoming.


Please continue to take all possible precautions to help reduce the risk of spreading germs to others. DPH recommends everyday personal prevention actions:

If you are sick or mildly sick for any reason, stay home! Call your doctor if you are concerned and/or your symptoms worsen.

Symptoms to watch for include a fever over 100 degrees; respiratory illness such as cough or difficulty breathing.

Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.

Stay 6 feet or more away from strangers and those who are ill

Stop shaking hands with others to reduce the spread of germs

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

Sneeze and cough into a tissue

As parents and caregivers, you influence your child’s reaction to information about COVID-19 and school closure. Ongoing developments regarding COVID-19 may be overwhelming, especially to younger children. Parents and caregivers can help children understand the situation better by discussing children’s questions and concerns. You can watch a video about how to talk to your child about COVID-19 here.

For more information about COVID-19, visit the Department of Public Health’s website. For general information about COVID-19, LA County residents can also call 2-1-1.

Again, I sincerely appreciate your support and patience during this time. Please take care of yourself and loved ones.


David J. Vierra, Ph.D.

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