Registration Open for Next Session of “Palmdale Works! Youth Job Academy”
PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale is accepting registration for its next session of the “Palmdale Works! Youth Job Academy.” The Academy is free and open to youths ages 15 through 18. There is no cost to attend but pre-registration is required. Interested students may apply online at Registration closes Jan. 24. Classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays Feb. 4 through 20 from 4 to 6 pm at the Chimbole Cultural Center, 38550 Sierra Highway in Palmdale. Created in 2008 to assist youth in preparing for the competitive job market, the Youth Job Academy is designed to assist students in seeking employment, apply and interviewing for jobs, as well as developing strong work skills to ultimately keep the job. During the course of the program, Academy students will be taught how to dress and prepare for a job interview, as well as meeting employers from local businesses and role-playing in mock interviews. Participants must attend each session to graduate. "Young people are entering a very competitive market and taking this extra step to prepare themselves should speak volumes about their motivation," said Palmdale Executive Assistant Terrie Zayas, the class facilitator. For more information, please call 661/267-5400.