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A 15 yr old male student was in possession of a handgun.

On Friday, November 15, 2019, a community member alerted Antelope Valley High School campus security that a student was possibly possessing a weapon on school grounds. School security immediately notified the School Resource Deputy assigned to Antelope Valley High School and after conducting an investigation, the school resource deputy found a 15 year old male student in possession of a handgun. The student stated he had brought the gun to school for protection. The student was arrested for being in possession of a firearm on school grounds. He will be transported to Eastlake Juvenile Hall with no bail. At this time there is no indication the student had any plans to harm himself or any other student. Students are reminded that bringing any weapon on campus is not only a violation of school policy, but also against the law. Parents, please talk to your students about the dangers of possessing weapons. Should your child feel unsafe or have any issues that are causing them to feel the need to protect themselves, school counselors, administrators and school resource deputies are all available to help resolve those issues. A great job done by campus security and our school resource deputies. We thank the community member that came forward this morning. It is through vital partnerships such as this that allow us to keep our communities and schools safe. As always, Lancaster Sheriff’s Station continues to work hand in hand with parents, students and faculty to ensure our schools are a safe place for all of our students to learn. Don’t assume someone else will do something about it. If you see something, say something! #LASD #AV411 #myherowearsabadge 

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