City of Lancaster $15 Million Public Improvement Program to Positively Impact Community
The City of Lancaster’s public improvement program is underway and making strides. With the goal of constructing and updating key City assets, upcoming projects include park improvements, City beautification, and City Hall modernization, as well as City Maintenance Yard enhancements. These projects are built upon the momentum of the past five years and investment of five million dollars into parks and other City facilities.
Press Release The program is funded by $15 million in lease revenue bonds, approved by the City Council last year. As Lancaster reached a pivotal moment in its evolution as a City it became apparent that appropriate investments in the care and maintenance of its facilities are necessary to protect its many assets long-term, while minimizing the need for even larger investments later. In addition to the improvement and updating of existing assets, funding has been allocated for a number of new construction projects as well. The Public Improvement Program will include general park enhancement, landscape maintenance district revitalization, and the construction of the City of Lancaster’s first skate park. The feature, to be located at Jane Reynolds Park, is expected to open this holiday season, and will accompany a general facelift throughout the park. Improvements include refurbishing the courts, improvements to Webber Pool, rejuvenation of the facility, restoration of the playground, and more. With a newly renovated exterior, City Hall is now due for an internal overhaul, set to begin this fall and run through 2021. Portions of the facility date back to the 1950s, and have received little modernization over the last 60 years. The coming renovations will increase the functionality of Lancaster City Hall by: enabling staff to provide better customer service; improving safety and security for visitors and staff; better addressing accessibility and ADA requirements; and incorporating modern technologies. During the modernization of City Hall, staff members will be temporarily relocated to another area of the facility while their respective department is updated. As such, residents may receive service at a different counter than usual. For more information regarding the transformation, including where residents will receive service during construction, visit The community’s patience is greatly appreciated as these facilities undergo construction. This program serves to enhance the relationship between the City of Lancaster and its customers as well as improve quality of life for those residing in the City.