Volunteers Desperately NEEDED Wednesday and Thursday.

The phrase we're all familiar with, MOVE THAT BUS, will be yelled out once again! Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, and it's here in the greater Antelope Valley areas! TWO homes for deserving families will be built and we need volunteers NOW in all capacities to help on site. There is a job for anyone and everyone! From contractors, people handing out water, and moving in furniture, to people that can help landscape, keep us organized and tidy, hand out tools, deliver items or just be the worlds best cheerleader by handing out hugs... We need your energy! Last week Extreme Makeover, Home Edition completed a home in Utah with 1500 volunteers. As you can imagine, we need a lot more than that for our upcoming builds and we know that YOU will bring it! Please invite everyone you know to click on the link below to register for the two builds. No skill level is required, just excited volunteers. Extreme Makeover will reach out to each person with the details. EVERYONE IS ALSO FREE TO JUST SHOW UP AND SIGN UP AT OUR CHECK-IN TENT. You will arrive at check in, where you will be given a blue Extreme Makeover t-shirt to wear. Then all we need are your helping hands. This is such a wonderful experience to be a part of. There is nothing greater in this world then helping others, especially out veterans. Let's show the world how generous folks from the Lancaster, Palmdale, and the surrounding communities are by helping to change the lives of two veteran families forever. Everyone will also be invited to the very special and emotional. MOVE THAT BUS day when we surprise our families with a new home! Jodi Kyman Volunteer Coordinator Vets 4 Veterans 661-886-1990 http://www.avvets4veterans.org Vets 4 Veterans is a local, grass-roots non profit 501(c)3, #80-0657134, dedicated to empowering local veterans who are suffering the physical and psychological wounds of war, to successfully reintegrate into the life of the community