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Another case of measles confirmed that traveled through Los Angeles County
LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) confirmed one case of measles in a person who flew in and out of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on April 18, 2019 while infectious.
Persons who may have been on-site at the date and time for any of the below locations, may be at risk of developing measles for up to 21 days after being exposed.
The following places were visited by the confirmed case: LAX Arrival on April 18, 2019: Remote Gate, Tom Bradley International Terminal Duration of time of possible exposure between 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. LAX Departure on April 18, 2019: Gate 37A, Terminal 3 Duration of time of possible exposure between 4:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. There is no known current risk related to measles that exists at any of these venues at this time. “With widespread outbreaks in the United States and internationally, and locally-acquired cases, the chance of exposure to measles is increased at this time” said Muntu Davis, MD, MPH, Los Angeles County Health Officer. “Travel and attending large-scale events, especially in places with ongoing outbreaks, can increase your chances of exposure to measles. This underscores the importance for those who are not immune to measles to get the measles immunization.” Individuals exposed on the flights have been contacted. Individuals who have been free of symptoms for more than 21 days (May 10, 2019) are no longer at risk. Common symptoms of this highly contagious illness include fever, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis (red eyes) and a rash which usually appears 10 to 21 days after the exposure. Individuals should contact their healthcare provider by phone before going in if they develop measles symptoms. This is the fifth non-resident case Public Health has investigated this year that traveled through LA County and is unrelated to the four non-resident cases that traveled through Los Angeles County earlier this year. In addition, there are five confirmed measles cases in Los Angeles County residents, which also had a link to international travel. The best way to protect yourself and to prevent the spread of measles is to get the measles immunization, with two doses of measles immunization being about 97% effective at preventing measles. Travelers taking international or domestic trips should review the following: • Travelers taking domestic trips should follow the general Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccination recommendations: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/measles • Those traveling internationally should consider the expedited schedule, particularly for children and anyone who does not have evidence of immunity: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/travelers.html Measles immunizations are available at your healthcare provider, local pharmacy or health clinic. Public Health clinics offer no or low-cost immunizations for individuals who are uninsured or underinsured. To find a nearby Public Health clinic, call 2-1-1 or visit publichealth.lacounty.gov/chs/phcenters.htm. For more information about measles, visit: pub lichealth.lacounty.gov/media/measles or call 2-1-1. The Department of Public Health is committed to protecting and improving the health of over 10 million residents of Los Angeles County. Through a variety of programs, community partnerships and services, Public Health oversees environmental health, disease control, and community and family health. Nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health comprises nearly 4,100 employees and has an annual budget of $1 billion. To learn more about Los Angeles County Public Health, please visit www.publichea lth .lacounty.gov, and follow LA County Public Health on social media at twitter.com/lap ubl ichealth, instagram. com /lapublichealth, facebook.co m/l apublichealth and youtube.com/ lap ublichealth.