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Discounts for Utilities Available for Low Income Palmdale Residents

PALMDALE - The City of Palmdale is informing residents of various discount programs available for low income families and individuals to assist with their utilities, internet and phone services.


TRASH • Waste Management offers a reduced monthly service charge for qualified low-income senior citizens with a single-family residence. To apply, please download an application from or contact Customer Service at 66/ 947-7197. Note: The Low Income Senior Discount does not apply to the residents with Super Saver (32-gallon) trash service. · Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – A federal program that provides assistance to eligible low-income households to manage and meet their immediate home heating and/or cooling needs. LIHEAP offers several kinds of services to help low-income households meet their home energy needs. These services include: o The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) provides one-time financial assistance to help offset an eligible household’s energy costs (utility bill). o The Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) provides assistance to low-income households that are in a crisis situation. Examples include a household that has received a 24- to 48-hour disconnect notice or service termination by its utility company or a household facing an energy-related crisis of life-threatening emergency in the applicant’s household, including a combustible appliance. o LIHEAP Weatherization provides free energy efficiency upgrades to low-income households to lower their monthly utility bills, while improving the health and safety of the household’s occupants. o Another service offered as a component to other LIHEAP services includes energy budget counseling, education on basic energy efficiency practices and instruction on the proper use and maintenance of installed weatherization measures. Information is available at or call 1-866-675-6623; hearing impaired, TDD/TTY 1-916-263-1402 or CA Relay Service 711. · Southern California Edison (SCE) - SCE offers two assistance programs: o California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) reduces energy bills for eligible customers by about 30%. o Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) reduces electric bills for qualified households by 18%. To see if you qualify, visit · Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) - Assistance is available through LIHEAP and CARE. Funds pledged to assist customers of SoCalGas® are distributed through local community-based organizations, assistance agencies and certain government agencies. o LIHEAP Weatherization Assistance Program – Can help make your home more energy efficient, with no-cost or reduced-cost insulation, hot water heater blankets, low-flow showerheads and other weatherization services. o SoCalGas® CAREs - The CARE program offers eligible SoCalGas® customers a 20 percent discount. Apply at, or by mail: For more information, visit INTERNET ACCESS · Spectrum - Through the Internet Assist program, qualified households can receive high-speed 30 Mbps Internet with no data caps. To qualify, a member of the household must be a recipient of one of the following programs: o The National School Lunch Program (NSLP); free or reduced cost lunch o The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the NSLP o Supplemental Security Income ( ≥ age 65 only) For details, please visit . PHONE · California LifeLine - Provides discounted home phone and cell phone services to qualified households. Details at WATER · The Palmdale Water District is offering a Rate Assistance Program for calendar year 2019. This program will offer rate assistance to seniors, veterans and low-income households by covering up to 50 percent of monthly service charges. Key factors and eligibility requirements of the program: o Program is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis o All low income property owners and renters are encouraged to apply o Priority is provided to customers who are low-income seniors aged 62 and older and veterans o Must be enrolled in SoCal Edison’s or Southern California Gas’ CARE program. o Must qualify by income level set forth by the Public Utilities Commission Alternative Rates for Energy occupant-to-income ratio table. o Must be a District residential customer with a 1″ or smaller water meter o Must provide required verification and documentation o Must reapply annually and/or each time you move o Must notify the District within thirty (30) days if you become ineligible o Assistance is not transferable with property or applicant o The application acceptance period is November through June. For more information, visit

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