Palmdale Sheriff's Station warns of 'recent spike in robberies' involving meetups to con

Palmdale Sheriff's Station has seen a recent spike in robberies related to people meeting for the purpose of buying or selling property through the use of online sites and mobile phone apps," the department posted on its Facebook page monday morning.
Over the past several days, Palmdale has seen an increase in robberies due to transactions arranged through online buying/selling apps such as: Offerup, Craigslist, Facebook, Letgo (etc.)
Please follow these safety tips
when using online buy/sell apps to avoid becoming the victim of a crime.
*Consider meeting in a location with surveillance cameras like the Palmdale Station lobby or the Palmdale Station parking lot. We have a section located in our front parking lot labeled "Exchange Zone." The Exchange Zone is monitored by 24hr surveillance cameras and is specifically designed for these type of transactions.
*Never agree to meet at night.
*Meet in a public place during daylight hours.
*Meet in a place that is well lit and visible.
*Do not agree to meet at your home, behind closed businesses, or alleyways.
*If the deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
*And lastly, if the buyer or seller refuses to follow these simple guidelines, this should be a red flag!
Let's be safe everyone.